Takahiko Akiyama’s career spans artistic endeavors ranging from illustrations to visual effects, film production to direction. His more than 20 years of CG and VFX experience includes supervising the Korean film “Kumiho Kazoku (The Fox Family)”; Japan’s “Kappa”“Acri”(director: Tatsuya Ishii); and the 4K HD large-format film “War of Sekigahara.” Akiyama’s significant role as both CG Director and VFX Art Director in the feature film “Final Fantasy” raised the bar for computer graphics at the time. His feature film directorial debut “Hinokio” won awards at film festivals in Iran and France, as well as the Film Technique Award in Japan. Other award-winning works include the 70 mm film “The Nature”, psycho-horror short “Black Night”, and numerous commercials, ride simulation films, video game designs, and published illustrations.